Certificate of Recognition (COR®)

COR® certification verifies companies have implemented a comprehensive health and safety program that meets national standards. Proven to reduce injuries, the COR® program can also provide a competitive advantage for pre-bid qualification, improved safety culture, cost savings and other benefits.
Go For COR®
Once registered, companies are required to meet the following two milestones within 12 and 18 months. Contact the SCSA for more information or assistance.
1. Complete all training courses, develop company safety program, and submit safety manual
2. Complete a baseline external audit conducted by an SCSA auditor
Steps to Achieve COR®
Submit an application including a signed COR® Agreement.
1. Complete required training
- Safety Management
- Safety Auditor Fundamentals with Level 2: Internal Safety Auditor Program Certification
- Leadership for Safety Excellence (LSE) with proficiency
- WHMIS 2015 Train the Trainer – 2020 Edition OR Basic Training Techniques
2. Develop and implement a safety program
Safety advisors are available to provide guidance and support to members every step of the way. Most companies will need at least six months to build a basic safety program.
3. Verification
An external audit conducted by the SCSA verifies the health and safety program is achieving desired results and the company meets necessary standards to become COR® certified. To maintain certification, companies submit an annual internal audit and are audited every three years by the SCSA.
Registration Fees (Effective January 2024)
The SCSA provides COR® Registration at no cost to SCSA Members.
All other companies pay a $325 registration fee.
All other companies pay a $325 registration fee.
COR® Program Benefits for Employers
- Gather effective tools to develop, implement and assess your company’s health and safety management system
- Prevent injuries and save costs
- Gain the advantage of pre-bid qualification
- Provide evidence of due diligence
COR® is nationally trademarked and endorsed by members of the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA). COR® certifications are recognized across participating provinces.
Saskatchewan COR®
For companies with permanent office(s) in Saskatchewan. Companies may certify divisions, branches or sections of a WCB account number, however, each WCB account must qualify for its own COR®.
Saskatchewan COR® Equivalency
For companies that have COR in another province, currently working in Saskatchewan but without a permanent office. Contact the SCSA for details and to request a letter of reciprocity.