Tool Box Talks

Tool Box Talks are informal safety meetings that focus on topics related to the job including hazards, risks and safe work practices. Also called tailgate meetings or safety briefings, these short meetings happen before the start of a job or work shift.
Your goal is to inform workers, employees, contractors and team members about job specifics, reinforce safety procedures and ensure everyone is up to date on the information required to complete their work safely. These talks should help encourage discussion and promote a good safety culture, allowing workers to voice their concerns and ask questions.
Always use a Tool Box Talk form to record your meeting topic, date, attendance and any follow-up actions to take. At the end of the meeting have management sign off on the form, then file it with other documented Tool Box Talks
The following links contain ideas for Tool Box Talks. These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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