
Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR™)

The Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR™) verifies companies with nine or fewer employees have implemented a comprehensive health and safety program that meets national standards. 
Click Here to Apply
Upon registration, companies are required to meet two milestones within 12 and 18 months.
Contact the SCSA for more information or assistance.
1. Complete all courses, develop safety program and submit safety manual
2. Baseline external audit conducted by an SCSA auditor



Step to Achieve SECOR™

Submit an application including a signed SECOR™ Agreement.
1. Complete required courses
2. Develop and implement a safety program
Safety advisors are available to provide guidance and support to members throughout the process. Most companies will need at least six months to build a basic safety program. 
3. Verification 
The external audit process proves your health and safety program is achieving the desired results and your company meets the standard necessary to become SECOR™ certified.
Companies submit an annual audit and are audited every three years by the SCSA to maintain certification.


SECOR™ Program Benefits for Small Employers

  • Gather effective tools to develop, implement and assess your company’s health and safety program
  • Prevent injuries and save costs
  • Gain the advantage of pre-bid qualification and provide evidence of due diligence
  • Regular audits to evaluate and improve safety practices 
Saskatchewan SECOR™ Eligibility:
  • Companies have permanent offices in Saskatchewan
  • Fewer than nine employees, including owners, full-time, part-time, casual and sub-contractors. 


Registration Fees (Effective January 2024)

The SCSA provides SECOR™ Registration at no cost to SCSA Members.
All other companies pay a $250 registration fee.



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