
National Health and Safety Administrator Additional Information




The exam will include various content from the previous NHSA courses taken. Individuals are expected to have the ability to self-study and register for the exam when they are prepared. The exam will be offered through remote proctoring hosted by Saskatchewan Polytechnic and in person at Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s test centres located in Regina, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon and Prince Albert beginning March 1st, 2021. 

Once it is identified that applicants are eligible to challenge the National Exam, they must do so within a 6 month period (first attempt), and must successfully complete the exam within 24 months.

Photo ID will be required on the date of the exam. The cost of the exam is $125.00 plus GST and non-refundable pre-payment is required at the time of registration. Individuals must abide by the Exam Guidelines and NHSA Code of Ethics during the exam. Failure to do so will result in the individual immediately being removed from the exam and a further penalty to be determined by the SCSA Vice President or Manager of Operations.

The exam will be available in English only. The weighting of section scoring will not be released. Individuals are given a maximum of two hours to complete the closed-book exam. The exam requires a passing score of 75%. However, only a pass or fail indication will be revealed to the individual by letter. Under no circumstances will the individual be able to receive their score in % nor will they receive the exam back. Exam marking may take 4-6 weeks.

Upon failure of the NHSA exam a waiting period of 14 days will be enforced before the individual may re-write the exam. Each attempt will cost $125.00 plus GST. A maximum of two re-writes will be allowed. Failure to achieve NHSA certification following a second re-write will result in the individual having to submit a new SCSA NHSA Application Form and the individual will be required to repeat all current compulsory courses (10) and elective courses (2) before being eligible to write the NHSA exam to achieve the new three-year NHSA certification.

New NHSA Certification

The new NHSA certificate will be valid for a three-year period. Individuals shall receive a wall certificate and wallet card. Evidence of completion will be evident through the introduction of a nationally recognized NHSA logo and certificate with three-year expiry. These will be key indicators to employers of those who have achieved NHSA certification, meeting the new national standard.

Maintenance of NHSA Certification

Holders of the NHSA certificate are solely responsible to maintain any/all compulsory courses and elective courses which expire as well as maintaining a valid SCSA Internal Auditor status.

The following submission items are required before the NHSA certificate expiry date:

  • copies of any valid certificates (proof of maintaining courses which expire)
  • one personal maintenance audit during the three-year validity of the SCSA Safety Auditor Training. The audit must be conducted using the SCSA national standard audit document. The best practice is to submit the required audit to the SCSA no later than four months prior to their SCSA Safety Auditor Training expiry date to allow time for the audit review and possible corrections. Certified NHSAs must contact the SCSA office prior to their NHSA Certification expiring to provide proof of maintenance requirements and be issued a new certificate.

Failure to Maintain NHSA Certification

Holders of an NHSA certificate (three-year expiry) are solely responsible to submit all maintenance requirements in sufficient time prior to expiry. Failure to meet the maintenance requirements before expiry will result in the individual having to write the NHSA exam to renew certification. Once again, all NHSA training requirements must be met before being eligible to write the NHSA exam.

Equivalency of NHSA Certification

Holders of an NHSA certificate will benefit from the ease of transferability to other provinces. At minimum, a component of a provincial legislation exam will be required per province via the local participating CFCSA members. The individual shall present their home province NHSA certificate and photo ID to the local participating CFCSA member in the province which they intend to work. Upon successful completion of the provincial legislation exam (and possible training to meet provincial legislation on-site requirements), an NHSA equivalency certificate will be issued to the individual. The local participating CFCSA member will match the certification expiry date of the individual’s home province NHSA certificate. Individuals shall receive a wall certificate and wallet card.

Equivalency Maintenance of NHSA Certification

Holders of an NHSA equivalency certificate are solely responsible to provide a copy of their home province NHSA certificate each time it is renewed in order to maintain their equivalency status in another province. A training transcript issued by your home province safety association may be requested for equivalency purposes to verify all courses are valid at the time of certificate issue. Possible training to meet provincial legislation on-site requirements may be applicable. Upon recertification, individuals shall receive an updated NHSA wall certificate and wallet card.

Failure to Maintain NHSA Equivalency Certification

NHSA Equivalency certification is dependent on maintaining the NHSA standards required in your home province. Equivalency certification may be revoked for failing to provide a copy of your renewed certificate. Contact locations you obtained equivalency from for further information if you have expired.

Should you have any further questions, send an email to

Please refer to this webpage for updates as they become available.






Why should I become an NHSA?

This is considered an entry-level certification for an individual in administration in the construction industry.  Achieving certification recognizes basic health and safety training and verifies a nationally recognized level of competency. Many employers view NHSAs as a valuable resource in the administration and implementation of a company’s health and safety management system. This program is a starting point for those interested in pursuing a career in health and safety. Individuals may or may not have extensive safety experience.

Why is there an NHSA exam?

The completion of a nationally recognized exam verifies the NHSA meets the national standard. The new certification truly supports the NHSA as they transfer between provinces.

What can you tell me about the exam?

Here are some brief details:

  • cost is $125.00 plus GST (non-refundable)
  • photo ID will be required at the time of the exam
  • closed-book, written exam or online remote proctored exam - maximum two-hour timeframe to complete
  • a score of 75% is required to pass
  • no % score will be revealed to the examinee, only a result of successful or not successful
  • the examinee will not receive the exam back

If I am unsuccessful (score less than 75%) on the NHSA exam, may I re-write?

Yes, a waiting period of 14 days will be enforced before you may re-write the exam. Each attempt will cost $125.00 plus GST. A maximum of two re-writes will be allowed. Failure to achieve NHSA certification following a second re-write will result in the individual having to submit a new SCSA NHSA Application Form. Upon acceptance, the individual will be required to repeat all current compulsory courses (10) and elective courses (2) before being eligible to write the NHSA exam to achieve the new three-year NHSA certification.

Why expire the NHSA certification and require maintenance for recertification?

Renewal/refresher training is best practice in the areas of compliance, safety, quality, processes and procedures. This will ensure you are staying current with construction health and safety standards. Conducting/submitting one audit in the three-year validity of your SCSA Safety Auditor Training certification reinforces previous knowledge and skills.

If I pass the NHSA exam how will my employer know I upgraded my NHSA certification to the most current standard?

The new NHSA certificate will be valid for a three-year period. You will receive a wall certificate and wallet card, a nationally recognized NHSA logo and certificate with three-year expiry. These will be key indicators to employers of those who have achieved NHSA certification, meeting the new national standard.

Are all provinces recognizing this NHSA exam?

CFCSA members are recognizing the NHSA exam in those provinces which have an NHSA designation.

Do I have to write another NHSA exam when working in another province?

No, if you are interested in obtaining an NHSA certification in another province, the NHSA exam will be accepted by members of the CFCSA which have an NHSA program. However, at minimum, a provincial legislation exam will be required per province and there may possibly be additional training to meet provincial legislation on-site requirements.

Does a previously certified HSA need to write the national exam?

HSAs certified prior to December 31, 2021, are not required to take the exam, however, the new NHSA national standards agreed upon at the CFCSA level will be effective March 1, 2022. An HSA will retain their designation but it is strongly encouraged that those previously certified write the exam as the NHSA certification is now a nationally recognized designation. Those wishing to write the exam must ensure that all their training and certifications are valid prior to writing the exam.